8 Principles for Good Health

Principle 1: Get a lot of fresh AIR
The air we breathe plays an essential part in our health and functioning.
Long-term exposure to toxic or polluted air can compromise the health and functioning of the cells and organs of our body leading to increase susceptibility to infections and various forms of disease.
Some long-term effects of polluted air include: Lung cancer, heart disease, chronic respiratory disease, and even damage to parts of the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys, etc.

Principle 2: Drink ample amounts of WATER
We cannot think of water without thinking of life itself. Water carries elements of life and has the ability to transmit and maintain them. Our body is made up of about 75% water, and about 3/4 of our planet’s surface is covered with water with a vast amount of life forms. Every single cell is made up of water including the cells in our own body.
Water is critical for the life and functioning of cells, tissues, and organs in our body. Consequently, thought processes, movements, nerve function, blood circulation, digestion, elimination of waste, etc., depend on water for their normal and effective functioning.

Principle 3: Get adequate amounts of SUNLIGHT
The Sun provides the basis for all life on earth. It is the source of energy for all life form including plants, animals and humans. The body manufactures vitamin D after being exposed to sunlight.
Vitamin D is critical for the body because it helps the body absorb calcium and also helps it keep the right amount of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. Without sufficient amount of vitamin D, bones can become thin, brittle, or even misshapen.
Principle 4: Eat foods that have strong NUTRITIOUS values
We are literally what we eat. What we eat plays a significant role in the functioning of our body, health, and well-being. What you decide to eat and how you decide to prepare it will impact your health in more ways that we give thought to. Several food groups have been promoted by the US Department of Health which provides the public with some general diet and nutritional guidelines on how to eat sensible.
The Bible is also a great source to consider when considering the kind of diet that is useful for our body. Eating food with little or no nutritious value can, over time, lower the effectiveness of the body’s defence system and compromise your physical and mental health.

Principle 5: Get an adequate amount of SLEEP
More and more studies are suggesting that sleep plays a critical role in people’s physical as well as their mental health and functioning. Lack of sleepcan compromise immune system effectiveness, which can lead to various forms of health problems. Some experts believe that lack of sleep can make the body become resistant to insulin, a hormone which helps carry glucose from bloodstream to cells. Other problems resulting from lack of sleep includes lack of mental clarity, memory problems, moody disposition, and higher stress level.

Principle 6: Get regular EXERCISE
Regular exercise has a host of health benefits. For example, when fat gets into the muscles of the heart it can interfere with electrical impulses necessary for the proper functioning of the heart. Regular aerobic exercise can make your heart stronger and work more efficiently by reducing the amount of fat that can build up.
Some other benefits include, reduced risk of developing diabetes, control of type II diabetes, reduce risk for high blood pressure, reduce level of current high blood pressure, control weight gain, build healthy and strong bones, muscles and joints, improve blood flow throughout the body, improves the body’s capacity to use calories, and reduces both mental and physical stress.

Principle 7: Take time out to MEDITATE and reflect
Taking time out of a busy schedule to relax and meditate can act as good medicine. Until recently, meditation has been largely recognized as a spiritual practice. Meditation is now recognized as having many benefits for health and well-being. In some cases, it has been implemented in the management of some forms of illness, management of stress, and even in accelerated learning programs.
In the area of health and wellness, meditation is known to increase blood flow and slow heart rate, relaxation, reduction of physical and psychological stress, reduce anxiety attacks, and even build self-confidence.
Principle 8: Have a sense of being in CONTROL
Human beings were created to have control over their environment, not to be controlled by it. Believing that you are in control, in times when situations are far from what you would like them to be, plays a crucial role in your physical and mental health.
Your perceptions and interpretations of external events, regardless of their nature, determine your physical and mental reaction to them, and consequently their influence on your health and well-being. Feelings of helplessness only blocks the creative ability of your mind making you feel like a victim of circumstances rather than the master of your destiny.